This is my first blog. I have been planning to write blog long before. However it didn’t happen until recently. Hopefully I could keep updating this blog regularly.

In this first blog, I will write something about a question in speech recognition which has been confusing me a lot recently. The issue is how people apply Deep Neural Network (DNN) on top of HMM to perform speech recognition.

Before going into the question, let’s look at some technical background in speech recognition

Technical background

Automatic speech recognition has been a hot topic for decades. The original most successful modeling framework is GMM/HMM model: Gaussian mixture models (GMM) for acoustic distributions and HMM models for word decoding. Usually the recognition task is performed as follows

  1. Raw speech audio is converted into acoustic features by some type of feature engineering techniques. For example the spectrogram has been used to represent the audio

  2. Once we have acoustic features, a HMM framework is used to estimate a hidden state sequence for the inputs

  3. The hidden state sequence are further used to perform decoding to generate word sequence, known as script

The above process can be formulated as follows. Let’s use $(y_1, \dots, y_T)$ to denote the input audio. The first step applies a feature transformation $\phi(\cdot)$ to the audio frame to get its feature space representation: $(f_1, \ldots, f_T)$, where $f_t = \phi(y_t)$. The second step uses a -/HMM framework (- could be GMM or DNN) to estimate a latent state representation of the feature sequence. After this point we have a state sequence $(x_1, \ldots, x_T)$. The last step is the decoding step which produces the words sequence $(w_1, \ldots, w_N)$. Note that the sequence in the last step has a different length.

In this blog I am going to try to understand how the last two steps are performed.

Hidden Markov model

The most important component in speech recognition is the HMM part (which might not be the case with recent emergence of temporary neural network such as LSTM). A HMM consists of following ingredients

  • Emission distribution

  • State transition distribution

The emission distribution describes the distribution of observation given latent state $g(f_t | x_t)$ (I am using $f_t$ to denote the observation to make consistent with previous speech recognition process). The transition distribution describes the evolving law of the latent state $h(x_t | x_{t-1})$. These two distributions are assumed to follow certain parametric form with some unknown parameters $\theta = (\theta_g, \theta_h)$.

The three classic problems in HMM 1 are

  1. Given observation sequence $(f_1, \ldots, f_T)$ and parameters $\theta$, how to calculate the likelihood of $p(f_1, \ldots, f_T | \theta)$ with latent states marginalized out

  2. Given observation and parameters, how to find the latent state sequence $(x_1, \ldots, x_T)$ that best explains the observation

  3. Given observation only, how to perform parameter estimation of $\theta$

Above problems can be solved efficiently with complexity $O(TK^2)$ where $K$ is the number of latent states in the model 1. The key additional variables that are introduced to solve these problems are

  1. Forward pass variable $\alpha_t(s) = p(f_1, \ldots, f_t, x_t = s | \theta)$ with recursion

  2. Backward pass variable $\beta_t(s) = p(f_{t+1}, \ldots, f_T | x_t = s, \theta)$ with recursion

  3. Conditional state variable $\gamma_t(s) = p(x_t = s | f_1, \ldots, f_T, \theta)$ with

  4. Viterbi variable $\delta_t(s) = \max_{x_1, \cdots, x_{t-1}} p(f_1, \ldots, f_t, x_1, \cdots, x_{t-1}, x_t = s | \theta)$ (Note the difference of $\delta_t(s)$ and $\alpha_t(s)$ is just substituting summation with maximization)

  5. Baum-Welch variable $\xi_t(s, s’) = p(x_t = s, x_{t+1} = s’ | y_1, \ldots, y_T, \theta)$ with

For the last variable, it is used (combined with $\gamma_t(s)$) for the EM algorithm (the famous Baum-Welch algorithm) for estimating $\theta$. Note that $\xi_t(s, s’)$ is expected number of transitions from $s$ to $s’$ and $\gamma_t(s)$ is expected number of transitions from $s$. Then the re-estimation of model transition distribution ($h(\cdot | \cdot))$ can be derived accordingly 1.

The estimation of emission parameter can be derived using a process similar to EM estimation of standard GMM. The conditional state variable $\gamma_t(s)$ is analogous to the expectation of component indicator in GMM. By plugging $\gamma_t(s)$ into the E step of GMM, the emission distribution parameter can be updated in the M step. The emission distribution is usually assumed to be Gaussian or mixtures of Gaussian to enable closed form update in Baum-Welch algorithm.

In speech recognition, it is usually the case where an individual HMM is fitted to some type of unit. The definition of unit could be a word or some other fine-grained linguistic units such as phones or syllables 1. Assuming the unit is in word level. Then each HMM is trained to fit a particular word. When unlabeled new word audio signal comes, the task reduces to finding which model gives the maximum likelihood of observing the audio features.

Modeling emission distribution using DNN

Once the feature space representations of audio signal $(f_1, \cdots, f_T)$ are obtained, the emission distribution in the HMM framework is often assumed to be multinomial (for discrete features), Gaussian or mixture of Gaussian (for continuous features). Recently there has been an emergence where the emission distribution is replaced with a deep neural network, leading to DNN/HMM framework.

In the DNN/HMM framework, a DNN is trained to estimate $p(x_t | f_t)$ by training on a labeled corpus. Suppose we have feature sequence $(f_1, \cdots, f_T)$ as well as their corresponding labels $(c_1, \cdots, c_T)$. We could train a neural network to approximate $p(c_t | f_t)$. For example we could fit a convolutional network with certain loss function using back propagation algorithms. Once the mapping from $f_t$ to $c_t$ is trained, we use the output of the trained DNN as the latent state estimate for a testing sequence. According to Bayes’s law, we have

This equation suggests that the emission distribution in HMM could be replaced by the DNN model, by dividing the “posterior” state distribution $p(x_t | f_t)$ with the “prior” state distribution $p(x_t)$ 2. The factor $p(f_t)$ is common across all different states, therefore it is canceled in the Forward-Backward pass algorithms in HMM.

There are several advantages of using a pre-trained model as the emission distribution. First, we removed the parametric assumption of the emission distribution, leading to a more general training framework. Second, the feature mapping $f_t = \phi(y_t)$ mentioned previously could be simplified. This greatly reduced our labor in choosing the “correct” mapping function, since the high level features are automatically learned in a DNN model 3.

This idea leads following iterative optimization procedure

  1. Train a DNN/HMM based on a labeled data set, e.g. TIMIT

  2. Perform a Viterbi alignment to a test data set to find best state sequence using the estimated $p(f_t | x_t)$

  3. Use the best state sequence to train another DNN

  4. Repeat step 2 and 3 until convergence


In this blog I have learned how the DNN is used in an HMM learning framework in speech recognition tasks. There is still a missing connection between how HMM models in unit level (e.g. phone) is used to estimate the text script given a audio input. In 1 a method called level building HMM was mentioned. Probably will be the topic for my next blog.

Some references

  1. Lawrance R Rabiner, A tutorial on hidden Markov models and selected applications in speech recognition, 1989  2 3 4 5

  2. Nelson Morgan and Herve Bourlard, Connectionist speech recognition: a hybrid approach, 2012 

  3. Ossama Abdel-Hamid et al. Applying Convolutional Neural Networks concepts to hybrid NN-HMM model for speech recognition 2012