Generate website in Github Pages using jekyll

Install jekyll

Basic steps:

  1. Run jekyll new website_name to create a website project

  2. Go into ‘website_name’ folder

  3. Make sure the jekyll version used next is consistent with its github version

    1. comment gem "jekyll", "3.5.0" in “Gemfile”
    2. uncomment gem "github-pages", group: :jekyll_plugins in “Gemfile”
    3. run bundle update; bundle install
    4. Check link for running a local version of jekyll which is consistent with Github Pages version
  4. Push local folder to a git repo

Add equations to markdown

  1. Run bundle show minima to locate the directory of theme html folders

  2. Locate ‘_includes/’ folder. If it is not in jekyll website directory, create one in the directory

  3. add javascript into ‘_includes/head.html’ in website directory. Check link

General instructions


  • Use bundle exec jekyll new site_name when jekyll new site_name is not working